Quantcast The Chronicles of von Klapp: Mail Call!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Mail Call!

My post on Friday suggested that anyone who'd like to email me is welcome to do so. And then my in-box filled up. And up. And up. Some emails were short blurbs saying the blog is fun. Some emails were short blurbs saying the blog is garbage. Some emails were short blurbs asking to see me naked.

Here is a sampling of what I received in my email in-box over the weekend:

"Your name is stupid. So is your blog. I love Perez Hilton and Howard Stern."

Thank you!

"Are you Joan Van Ark?"


"Is Cymbalta and Lunesta really the names of you and your sister?"

What do you think?

"Did you find Mr. Right yet?"

No, but if you see him please tell him to email me.

"The posting of Joan Van Ark's unfortunate photograph was neither newsworthy nor appropriate. It was tacky, mean spirited, vile and malicious. Please find more and post them ASAP."

I don't know what malicious means, but I think I have a cousin by that name.

Thanks to all who wrote in, and thanks for reading!